
Everyone likes a good contest! Have you considered using a contest to promote your organization? Even the simplest contest will create excitement for your business. We make it easy to get started with contests and have it seen by millions of users.

Consider these practical applications of using contests – Increase your exposure, increase sales pipeline that convert to sales, introduce a new product or service, promote an event, bring awareness to an important cause, deliver a key corporate message or announcement, obtain referrals, celebrate a major milestone, or use of a contest in conjunction with other promotional offers

Consider these key amazing benefits of using contests – High Exposure, high impact, develop followers & loyalty, increase engagement, create as many or as few as you want, anytime you want, you control the prizes & costs

The bottom line – Why we really believe in the power of contests? We truly believe that unlike other forms of traditional marketing which are usually saturated, unwanted, and therefore not paid attention to, contests are something people always want to be involved with. We recognize that not all people will participate in all contests, but they will still embrace the idea that a contest is operating rather than shutting it down completely. We like to think of this as a continuum of highly unpopular to highly popular. With door-to-door salespeople and telemarketers on the left most side, and contests, fun events, and free giveaways on the right side. The best part is that contests are a relatively unsaturated marketing method and highly desirable at the same time. We take it a step further to make it highly effective for you in every possible way.

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